Tuesday 22 September 2015

Where on Google Earth #506

505 was one that took me three weeks to solve - but it was only after Luis-Filipe gave us the larger scale image that I made any significant progress identifying the topography and the land coverage.

WoGE #506 is given here.

Since I anticipate this will be an easy one, let's use the Schott Rule to slow the real speedsters down a bit.  It is now September 23nd at 0345 UTC / September 22nd at 11.45 pm EDT.

Schott rule: The host of a WOGE may or may not decide to invoke the so called "Schott rule". This means previous winners have to wait one hour for each win they previously had, before they are allowed to solve. If you invoke the Schott rule, you have to publish the posting time in UTC or GMT.

WoGE rules: http://woge-felix.blogspot.de/p/rules-of-geological-whereongoogleearth.html